SUB DrawCircle (xOffset%, yOffset%, radius%, C%) DIM xPlot!, yPlot! ' Current pixel being plotted. DIM angle!, angleRad! ' Current angle in degrees & radiens. FOR angle! = 0! TO 360! STEP 0.5 ' Convert degrees to radiens. angleRad! = angle! * (3.141592654 / 180!) ' Convert polar to rectangular coordinates. xPlot! = (radius! * COS(angleRad!)) + xOffset% yPlot! = (radius! * SIN(angleRad!)) + yOffset% ' Check boundaries. IF xPlot! < 0 THEN xPlot! = 0 ELSEIF xPlot! > 319 THEN xPlot! = 319 IF yPlot! < 0 THEN yPlot! = 0 ELSEIF yPlot! > 199 THEN yPlot! = 199 ' Plot the pixel on the graphics screen. PSET(xPlot!, yPlot!), C% NEXT angle! END SUB