' RANGRAPH.BAS -- by Gary Neal, Jr. ' ' Generates random graphics using the procedures found in FGRAPH.BAS ' '$INCLUDE: 'fgraph.bi' SCREEN 13 ' Random pixels WHILE INKEY$ = "" PSET (RND * 320, RND * 200), RND * 256 WEND ' Clear keyboard WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND CLS ' Random lines WHILE INKEY$ = "" DrawLine RND * 320, RND * 200, RND * 320, RND * 200, RND * 256 WEND ' Clear keyboard WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND CLS ' The next line is the line of interest ' SetAngleIncr 1! DrawCircle 160, 100, 90, 15 ' Wait for keypress WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND ' Clear the keyboard WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND ' Clean up and exit SCREEN 0, 0, 0 END ' You can use SYSTEM also.