/* TESTVGA.C * * This program tests the functionality of the VGA256.C functions */ #include #include #include /* Enable this line for compile with at the command line */ #include "include\vga256.h" /* Enable this line for compile within the IDE */ /* #include "source\vga256.c" */ int main(void) { int i; long count; char string[41]; SetVideoMode(VGA256); while (!kbhit()) SetPixel(rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%256); getch(); FillScreen(0); Gputs(0, 0, "Gary Neal Jr.", 4, -1); getch(); FillScreen(0); while (!kbhit()) Line(rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%256); getch(); FillScreen(0); while (!kbhit()) Circle(rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%100, rand()%256); getch(); FillScreen(0); Gputs(0, 0, "Counting vertical retrace periods.", 15, 0); count = 0L; while(!kbhit()) { WaitForVertRetrace(); count++; sprintf(string, "%ld vertical retraces.", count); Gputs(0, 32, string, 15, 0); } getch(); FillScreen(0); Gputs(0, 0, "Opening Cache...", 4, -1); if (!InitCache(ScreenHeight)) Gputs(0, 8, "Failed to open cache...press a key", 15, -1); else { Gputs(0, 8, "Cache successfully opened...", 15, -1); Gputs(0, 16, "Now setting dots...", 15, -1); for (i=0; i<300; i++) SetPixelC(rand()%ScreenWidth, rand()%cacheLines, rand()%256); Gputs(0, 24, "Press a key to view cache...", 15, -1); getch(); ShowCache(); getch(); Gputs(0, 0, "Clearing and writing lines to cache", 15, 0); FillScreenC(0); for (i=0; i<300; i++) LineC(rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%256); Gputs(0, 24, "Press a key to view cache...", 15, -1); getch(); ShowCache(); getch(); Gputs(0, 0, "Clearing and writing circles to cache", 15, 0); FillScreenC(0); for (i=0; i<300; i++) CircleC(rand()%320, rand()%200, rand()%100, rand()%256); Gputs(0, 24, "Press a key to view cache...", 15, -1); getch(); ShowCache(); getch(); Gputs(0, 0, "Clearing and writing text to cache", 15, 0); FillScreenC(0); GputsC(0, 0, "This was written to cache.", 4, 0); GputsC(0, 8, "Cache enables you to update offscreen...", 15, 0); GputsC(0, 16, "and view when update is complete.", 15, 0); GputsC(0, 32, "Helping to eliminate screen flicker.", 14, 0); Gputs(0, 24, "Press a key to view cache...", 15, -1); getch(); ShowCache(); getch(); FillScreen(0); Gputs(0, 0, "That's all folks!", 15, 0); DeleteCache(); } getch(); SetVideoMode(TEXT_MODE); return 0; }